Create Account
Please verify your Email Address.
Please verify your Mobile Number.
User already exists
[* Required Fields]
User Information
Username must be at least 3 characters long and no spaces.
Username already exists.
Password must be 6 character long and case sensitive.
Select the checkbox if you want to create an user with Manufacturer role.
Company Information
Company Name is required.
Please select State.
Please select Country.
Email Verification
Enter email address and click on Send Verification Code button. Email Address already exists. Verification email is sent.
Enter code sent on your email and click Verify Email button. Please enter verification code. Please enter valid verification code.
Mobile Number Verification
Enter mobile number only with correct country selected and click on Send Verification Code button. Verification code sent.
Enter code sent on your mobile number and click Verify Mobile Number button. Enter verification code sent on your mobile number. Please enter valid verification code. Verification is done.
Please accept Terms and Conditions.
Account Information and Password

You will be required to use the password entered here whenever you want to ..... In case you forgot your password, you can contact the admin.

Using Verification codes for Email and Mobile Number

Pharmabid needs to make sure that you have entered valid and correct email ID and mobile number so that we can reach you in case we need to contact you.

Username, First Name, Last Name and Company Name fields are required for verifying Email Address.